General Dental Family Clinic (KRK-G)
Hospital USM out-patient clinic is located at the main dental clinic on the ground floor of PPSG building for General Dental Family Clinic (KRK-G) and Dental Paediatric Screening Clinic. Dental Specialist Clinic (KPP-G) is located at level 3 of Trauma building. These out-patient clinics offer a wide range of dental treatment and consultation to the public as well as the USM staff.
This clinic has 5 dental surgery rooms which are used for general dental screening and dental treatment. Screening and treatment are given by our Dental Officers to walk-in patients every morning and evening on working days except Thursday. Thursday is allocated for appointment cases. Appropriate cases will be listed on the waiting list for dental students. Any referred cases from Hospital USM wards, clinics and casualty as well as referral from other government clinics, hospitals and the private clinics will be seen by the Dental Officer In-charge during working hours and difficult/complex cases will be referred to specialist.
KRKG is open to the public as follows:

Treatments provided at KRK-G are:
• Scaling
• Filling
• Extraction
• Root canal treatment
• Prosthodontic
• Preventive care
• Filling
• Extraction
• Root canal treatment
• Prosthodontic
• Preventive care
Further enquire please contact:
+609 -767 3704 (PPSG Main Counter)
+609 -767 3709/ 3720 (KRK-G Counter)
+609 -767 4089 (Waiting List Counter)
Dental Paediatric Clinic
This clinic is established to provide dental screening and treatment to patients below 18 years old. It is compulsory to bring along at least one (1) guardian for consent. Treatment to this group of patients is done by Dental Staff Nurses and any difficult/complex cases will be referred to Dental Officers. Suitable cases will be managed by dental students.
This clinic is open to the public as follows:

Treatments provided by Dental Staff Nurses are:
• Scaling and Polishing
• Primary/Permanent Tooth Restoration
• Primary Tooth Extraction
• Preventive Dental Care
• Dental Imaging/Radiograph
• Primary/Permanent Tooth Restoration
• Primary Tooth Extraction
• Preventive Dental Care
• Dental Imaging/Radiograph
Further enquire please contact:
+609 -767 3704 (PPSG Main Counter)
+609 -767 3705 (Dental Paediatric Screening Clinic Counter)
Dental Specialist Clinic ( Klinik Pakar Pergigian - KPPG)
KPP-G provide service referrals from HUSM Dental Officer and Medical colleague as well as from the government clinic, hospitals and the private sector. Patients will be given appointments and will be examined and treated by Dental Specialists in various disciplines. The services provided include specialist consultations in the form of a dental report for medical insurance and second opinion for medico-legal issues.
Dental specialties provided in KPPG are:

Further enquire please contact:
+609 -767 4310 (KPPG Main Counter)